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26 Novembre 2021 - 0:00 - 17 Dicembre 2021 - 0:00

si riaccende Villa Pisani

After a long pause, we are delighted to present the new series of events at Villa Pisani, which will accompany us for four Fridays before Christmas.

Four unique evenings: a film with live music, a couple of concerts in unplugged, with the natural amplification that the hall of the Villa can create, and a theatrical reading.

These proposals are designed to relive the closeness to art and culture that we have been lacking over the last two years marked by the pandemic. For this very reason, the events in the programme are aimed to create a deep relationship with the public, helped by the unique atmosphere that only Villa Pisani can provide when lit by candles and soft lighting, and by the intimate formula designed for the evenings. We want to offer occasions to meet again and share emotions.

On 26th November – the opening night – we will screen “The Kid”, Charlie Chaplin’s 1921 film, a full century after its release, with live music by Paolo Valentini and Flavio Costa.

On 3rd December we will have a concert by Sorah Rionda, a young multi-instrumentalist, singer and composer of Cuban origin, for the occasion accompanied by Rita Brancato’s percussion. Sorah Rionda will present her new project: “Renacer”, a work that wants to represent an artistic and spiritual rebirth and the celebration of her intense bond with her multiethnic Cuban family, a relationship of influence between ancient Cuban songs and new compositions.

On Friday, 10th December, the duo Lucernari, formed by the two singer-songwriters Irene Brigitte and Lil Alice, will perform: their vocal timbres, although different, harmonise with each other accompanied exclusively by percussion. Both the light-hearted pictures of everyday life and the music of pieces taken from literature are sung with songs in a style that is mostly folk but does not exclude incursions of more electronic sounds.

Both concerts will be unplugged, without electrical amplification and will therefore take advantage of the natural amplification that the Villa’s hall can create: we will take a step back in time and listen to these live performances as they were listened to in the 16th century, and to make the atmosphere even more evocative and immersive the hall will be lit for the most part by candlelight.

On the final evening, 17th December, we will have the reading “Polenta dura e formaggio stagionato” by Mario Rigoni Stern, a reading by Carichi Sospesi, with Marco Tizianel and Paolo Esposito, music played live by Nicola Lotto, directed by Marco Caldiron.

Practical information:

Limited places.
Reservations through EventBrite.
Admission 6€ with EMM card (Euganea Movie Movement).
You can get your new EMM card in theevenings of the events.

On the evening of your new membership, we’ll give you the event as a gift.

At the end of each show, there will be, for those who like, we can continue the evening with a glass of wine and, on 3rd and 10th December also accompanied by the musical selection of Dj TSO, Trattamento Sonoro Obbligatorio (in collaboration with Invisible Sound).

All events will be held in compliance with antiCovid19 regulations, we ensure the respect of the spacing at the venue and it will be mandatory to be equipped with Green Pass and properly wear the mask.

With this series of events Villa Pisani officially reopens to the public.
Next year, there will be concerts, shows, workshops, exhibitions in collaboration with the Municipality of Monselice, and much more.


26 Novembre 2021 - 0:00
17 Dicembre 2021 - 0:00